Earth Day 2020: STARNet's Resource Page

Earth Day 2020: STARNet's Resource Page

STARNet (Science-Technology Activities and Resources for Libraries) has partnered with NASA and ALA to create the April 2020 "Our Planet: Earth" Campaign. This campaign "focuses on earth science and citizen science opportunities during April 2020 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Earth Day." STARNet has created the "Our Planet: Earth" website with information and resources to help you put on activities in support of Earth Day 2020, so check it out for some great ideas!

If you register your library on the STARNet website, you will get access to the following resources:
  • A monthly newsletter with new resources and opportunities
  • Representation on STARNet's Our Planet: Earth Map
  • Automatic entry for a chance to win Scholastic Earth Science Books, NASA Earth Science tactile books, and more!
Please feel free to share any other ideas with Earth Day that you have here as well!