Media Literacy Resources

Media Literacy Resources

Here are some resources on media literacy programming and education.

  • Project Look Sharp from Ithaca College: "We are a nonprofit, mission-driven outreach program of Ithaca College. Our mission is to help K-16 educators enhance students’ critical thinking, metacognition, and civic engagement through media literacy materials and professional development." Has free materials for use in the classroom and educational activities available to browse.
  • National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE): "NAMLE envisions a day when everyone, in our nation and around the world, possesses the ability to ACCESS, ANALYZE, EVALUATE, CREATE, and ACT using all forms of communication. Media literacy education refers to the practices necessary to foster these skills. We define both education and media broadly. Education includes both formal and informal settings, classrooms and living rooms, in school and after school, anywhere that lifelong learners can be reached. Media includes digital media, computers, video games, radio, television, mobile media, print, and communication technologies that we haven’t even dreamed of yet. We define both education and media broadly.  Education includes both formal and informal settings, classrooms and living rooms, in school and after school, anywhere that lifelong learners can be reached.  Media includes digital media, computers, video games, radio, television, mobile media, print, and communication technologies that we haven’t even dreamed of yet."